SMEAZ Affiliate Marketing Program
The SMEAZ Affiliate Marketing Program is a program whereby independent marketers and sales agents, as well as content writers and marketers, website owners, owners of active social media groups (including Whatsapp) and anyone else with a good digital footprint or selling ability is able to earn money by advertising and selling products and services that are listed on the SMEAZ Online Shop. These marketers and agents are known collectively as Affiliate Marketers. Unlike most commission sales programs where commissions are earned per product/service sold, the SMEAZ Affiliate Marketing Program pays you for all transactions done by a customer that you would have introduced. So even if you introduced a customer to buy a printer cartridge but they later on buy a laptop, you earn commission on that too.
We do not just reward you for sales made, though. We also even reward you for your marketing efforts even prior to them becoming sales. As you share links to our products/services, you also get paid for sharing such links, as well as for click-throughs to our shop from such shared links. If you feature our banners on your website or other digital space, you are also paid on views, click-throughs as well as transactions generated from your traffic. Payments are also made for introducing new vendors and new Affiliate Marketers to the store. If you are good at content marketing, have a large social media following and/or are in social media groups (Whatsapp, Facebook, Telegram etc) you can monetise your online presence by sharing links to the shop.
As though all that we have described isn't enough, you also get to earn commissions on the commissions earned by affiliates that you would have introduced. The site features a multi-level-marketing feature where you earn commissions on Affiliate Marketers you introduce, and that they in turn recruit, down to the 5th level. So you keep on earning indefinitely even after you yourself may actually no longer be an active marketer! How's that for passive income?
Finally, the program also caters for traditional sales techniques such as cold calling, door-to-door selling, advanced selling such as bidding for tenders and sales pitching. You can conduct your sale offline, and just use the platform to record the sale. We will manage securing and payment of your commission.
The SME Association of Zimbabwe is a not-for-profit organisation whose primary mandate is "growing start-up, small and medium sized businesses into large corporations. We have an active membership of around 300 start-up, small and medium sized businesses which we work with to help them grow into large corporations. Details of what we do as well as the membership are available on our main website, which you can access by clicking here. In particular, you can look at the Membership section to get details on each category of membership.
As part of helping our members to grow their business, we have programs to help them come up with a growth strategy, access markets, get funding, do training and increase productivity, access infrastructure and we also do lobbying and advocacy.
The SMEAZ Online Shop is one of our services which enables members to access markets. It is also meant to create business opportunities for those who may not have capital on hand to start their own business, but nevertheless have great marketing skills. It is also an employment creation initiative, as independent sales agents can go on to actually become full-time sales representatives for the brands for which they sell.
Interested in joining? You can do so in two easy steps.
1. Register on our site as an Affiliate Marketer
If you were referred here by someone, you can simply use the joining link that they sent you. If you got here via an advert, search or other means you can click here to access the joining form.

Once you have completed and submitted the form, it will either auto-approve or be approved by one of our administrators.
2. Log into your new Affiliate account and familiarise yourself with your Affiliate Plan
Having received your login details you can go back to our Home page, click on My Account, and then on Sign In.
Once logged on, Click on My Account again and then select Affiliates. This will give you details of the Affiliate Plan that you are on. The default plan details are given below
Key aspects of the Affiliate Plan are as follows:
(a) Affiliate Menu
From the menu you can view your account balance (i.e. how much you have earned to date), the breakdown of your commissions, how much you have been paid out, as well as banners and widgets that you can use for marketing. If you are a content marketer, you own a website or other digital asset on which you would like to place our banner adverts or if you are looking to market a particular line, you can get in touch with us to set up specific banner adverts and widgets to meet your digital property's specific requirements. We have a very generous banner show as well as click-through commission structure.
(b) Affiliate ID and plan details
The Affiliate ID is your identifier and it is important that as you market, you include your Affiliate ID in any links that you create. Without this ID, your referrals cannot be traced back to you.
Our affiliate plan features a 30 day cookie lifespan. In other words, anyone clicking a link that you share is recognised as your referral for the next 30 days. All transactions done by that customer will therefore be attributable to you, and commission will be paid accordingly. We give you a welcome bonus of US$10 and also pay you rewards for specific actions. Commission rates are also indicated, and flat commissions are paid for showing banners, banner/referral clicks, new customers, new vendors and new affiliates. The higher commissions, though, are paid for sales of products from vendors.
Please note that for new customers, new affiliates and new vendors, commission is only payable when transactions have actually materialised and been concluded from those new referrals. Details are available on request.
(c) Vendor Commissions
Each vendor on our platform offers a commission on sales of their products/services. Commissions generally range from 3% to 16% currently, and are subject to change. You will be able to view the full list of vendors and the commissions they offer from your screen, once you have signed on as an Affiliate marketer.
(d) Multi Level Commissions
This section lists the affiliates that you have recruited as well as the affiliates under them, and also gives the commission earned on the levels of affiliates that you introduce. The system is completely transparent, so you are able to see exactly who is in your affiliate tree, and also to get exactly how much they have earned on your behalf. All information is shown in real time.
The commission is 25% for your immediate recruits, and goes down to 1.25% for the fifth tier. The more first-level recruits you have, the greater your chances of growing a highly profitable affiliate tree, so get recruiting!

Now that you have familiarised yourself with the SMEAZ Affiliate Marketing program, your next question most likely is: "How do I maximise on the earnings that I can make from this program?" You can click here to view our article on how to succeed as an Affiliate Marketer.
You can also join the Whatsapp group for our Affiliate Marketers by clicking here. For further details you can also get in touch with us on Whatsapp. Click here to start a Whatsapp chat.